/* copyright 2005, 4word systems all rights reserved. this software may not be reproduced or distributed in any form without the express written consent of 4word systems or it's designee. revision 1.1: 20050729 added underscore to list of valid characters */ function isvalidemail(email, required) { if (required==undefined) { // if not specified, assume it's required required=true; } if (email==null) { if (required) { return false; } return true; } if (email.length==0) { if (required) { return false; } return true; } if (! allvalidchars(email)) { // check to make sure all characters are valid return false; } if (email.indexof("@") < 1) { // must contain @, and it must not be the first character return false; } else if (email.lastindexof(".") <= email.indexof("@")) { // last dot must be after the @ return false; } else if (email.indexof("@") == email.length) { // @ must not be the last character return false; } else if (email.indexof("..") >=0) { // two periods in a row is not valid return false; } else if (email.indexof(".") == email.length) { // . must not be the last character return false; } return true; } function allvalidchars(email) { var parsed = true; var validchars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789@.-_"; for (var i=0; i < email.length; i++) { var letter = email.charat(i).tolowercase(); if (validchars.indexof(letter) != -1) continue; parsed = false; break; } return parsed; }